Prostatitis Relief: The Process

About 50 percent of men over fifty develop prostatitis, which causes an enlarged prostate and interferes with urination. As a result of the enlargement, pressure is exerted against the upper part of the urethra and the bladder. As the size increases, the person is unable to empty the bladder completely.

The first sign of prostate enlargement is a frequent desire to urinate, especially at night. The quantity of urine is often less than normal, and urination is begun with considerable effort. When the condition progresses, urination becomes more difficult, and accumulation of urine in the bladder causes inflammation, discomfort, and loss of vitality. Catheterization may become necessary, in which the urine is removed with a rubber tube. This condition eventually leads to a chronic infection of the urinary tract, and a series of complications develop.

Prostatitis, which is characterized as either acute or chronic, develops gradually. In younger men, the prostate is more often affected by acute infections (acute prostatitis), but in some cases, the infection may be chorionic. Acute prostatitis may be caused by a stone in the prostate, a narrow urethra, or a spread of infections from other parts of the body.

In acute prostatitis there is a feeling of urgency to urinate, accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the rectum; chills and fever; urination is difficult and painful; and the patient cannot sit comfortably for any length of time. The patient may become comfortable after the application of heat and urination is frequently easier when the patient take as hot sit bath.

Prostatitis relief varies according to the type of infection. Generally, bed rest is advised, along with a reduction of fluids and a bland diet without condiments. Sexual excitement and the use of alcohol aggravate the problem. Depending on the nature of the infection, it can often be curtailed with antibiotics or sulfonamides.

Chronic prostatitis is less common and results from persistent infection of the prostate. The disease often requires long periods of treatment. Prostatitis symptoms , such as pain around the groin, the back, the penis and throughout the pelvic area, are some times different from those of acute prostatitis. There is often a discharge from the urethra, especially in the morning. While the disease is difficult to cure, it seldom result in serious consequences.

It is necessary to examine prostatic fluid when diagnosing prostatic diseases. This fluid is collected during a digital rectal exam by the doctor. The doctor´s index finger strokes the surface of the prostate to massage the gland, and this expels prostatic fluid from the penis, which is placed on a slide for microscopic examination. When the organ is infected, the expulsion of fluid from the prostate clears away large quantities of bacteria. Prostatic massage is also conducted to prostatitis relief when infection and enlargement cause difficulty in urination.

The digital exam can determine the size of the prostate and cancer of the prostate can often be detected. The texture of the prostate is an indication of the health of the organ; if soft and tender, the chances are that the prostate is inflamed due to an infection.

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